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18 students and alumni of FUE programs along with a number of experts, made up the GAIA Hyperloop Team, a team which presented its idea with the objective of speeding up the development of a working prototype of the innovative Hyperloop transport idea


The final entry of the GAIA Hyperloop Team was to design a high quality and high-performance POD, but above all, to design a safe mode of transport.


Thanks to the chosen materials and the perfectly honed technology, the final result of more than 5 months of design process was the QXT pod – a high speed, well-lit pod, which boasted amongst its many strengths a levitation subsystem and a cutting edge structural design.

For the levitation subsystem we used permanent magnets, allowing the QXT to lift from the ground thus reducing maintenance costs and time.

The structure was designed keeping in mind the aerodynamic structure and static charges / resistance dynamics. This, along with other subsystem designs and the application of IoT, made the QXT a unique and innovative prototype.


  • Motivation: When you feel like you can improve the life of others whilst working in a multidisciplinary team and changing the course of history, nothing can stop you or get in your way.

  • Innovation: We have learned that innovation is not only the ability to invent. You can innovate in any field without the need to invent. In this case, the invention was clear – Hyperloop – but it required a particular type of innovation to create the perfect prototype. Many people worked at the same time on the same project – allowing us to spot flaws, issues and ideas that even the inventor may not have noticed – something we never would have imagined.

  • Technology: Simplicity allows for innovation whilst at the same time removes many of the causes of failure. We have realised that the newest technological advances are not necessarily always the best.

  • Transport: We are going to live through a revolutionary period in the history of transport. We have realised that what is needed is a fast, safe, economical and sustainable system that at the same time respects the environment.

Sergio Abarca Cifuentes
Sergio Abarca Cifuentes

Industrial Engineering

Mikel Aguayo Fernández
Mikel Aguayo Fernández

Telecommunication Engineering

Freddy Escorza
Freddy Escorza


Brigida García Carasúsan
Brigida García Carasúsan

Industrial Engineering

Miguel García Cepeda
Miguel García Cepeda

Aeronautical Engineering

Raquel Gijón Bastante
Raquel Gijón Bastante

Chemical Engineering

Lorena Gómez Pérez
Lorena Gómez Pérez


Luis González Lorenzo
Luis González Lorenzo

Team Captain

César Hidalgo Serrano
César Hidalgo Serrano

Electrical Engineering

Lola López Gilabert
Lola López Gilabert

Aeronautical Engineering

Marta Medina González
Marta Medina González

Aeronautical Engineering

Carmen Palomino Pérez
Carmen Palomino Pérez

Team Promoter

Miguel Ramos García
Miguel Ramos García

Aeronautical Engineering

Rafael Raya Jiménez
Rafael Raya Jiménez

Industrial Engineering

Luis Baldomero Salgado Benítez
Luis Baldomero Salgado Benítez

Industrial Engineering

Daniel Sotelsek Salem
Daniel Sotelsek Salem

Faculty Advisor

Jorge Trallero Calvo
Jorge Trallero Calvo

Industrial Engineering

Juan Vázquez Barco
Juan Vázquez Barco

Telecommunication Engineering